02208nas a2200109 4500000000100000008004100001100001500042245009700057856006600154490000600220520187200226 2016 d1 aFatmala KA00a[Analysis of Factors Related with Compliance Taking Medicine of Leprosy in District Pragaan] uhttps://media.neliti.com/media/publications/76746-ID-none.pdf0 v43 a

Leprosy elimination in several areas in Indonesia still late. It caused by knowledge, social and economic factor of Multi Drug Therapy (MDT) treatment. Leprosy treatment is very important to eliminate cases of leprosy because leprosy can be cured by taking medication regularly. If patient of leprosy take medication irregularly, leprosy bacteria can become resistant, so the symptoms will be persisted and even worse. This study was aimed to analyze the factors related with compliance of taking medicine by patient of leprosy in Disctrict Pragaan Sumenep. This study used cross sectional approach. The number of sample in this study were 40 patients who were taken with simple random sampling. Chi-square test in Statcalc of epi-info was used to know the relation between independent variables and dependent variable with (α = 0,05). Based on study result, there was asscociation between knowledge about leprosy with compliance of taking medicineby patient of leprosy (p = 0,012)). There was association between family support with compliance of taking medicineby patient of leprosy (p = 0,003).There was association between stigma with compliance of taking medicineby patient of leprosy (p = 0,000). There was association between the role of health workers with compliance of taking medicineby patient of leprosy (p = 0,014). There was asscociation between availabiliy of MDT with compliance of taking medicineby patient of leprosy (p = 0,006). The conclusion of this study was knowledge about leprosy, family support, stigma, availability of MDT were factors that related with compliance of taking medicineby patient of leprosy. Effective socialization will give patient motivations to be obedient of taking medicine.