01313nas a2200301 4500000000100000008004100001260001700042653003900059653001000098653001100108653001000119653001100129653002900140653002800169653002800197100001400225700001300239700001200252700001200264700001200276700001200288700001000300245008000310300000900390490000700399520059100406022001400997 2010 d c2010 Mar-Apr10aAcquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome10aAdult10aFemale10aHIV-110aHumans10aLeishmaniasis, Cutaneous10aLeishmaniasis, Visceral10aTuberculosis, Pulmonary1 aDas V N R1 aPandey K1 aVerma N1 aBimal S1 aLal C S1 aSingh D1 aDas P00aPost-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL), HIV and pulmonary tuberculosis. a88-90 v233 a

Post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis is usually a sequel to visceral leishmaniasis. A 25-year-old woman presented with hypopigmented maculopapular lesions all over the body for the past 4 years without any previous history of visceral leishmaniasis. She was on treatment for leprosy and pulmonary tuberculosis for the past 2 months, but did not show any improvement. Investigations confirmed that she had post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis associated with pulmonary tuberculosis and HIV-1 infection. She was started on treatment for the triad of diseases, and showed improvement.
