01373nas a2200229 4500000000100000008004100001260000900042653001200051653003400063653001100097653001200108653001000120100001400130700001500144245015100159856009000310300001000400490000700410050001500417520069700432022001401129 1994 d c199410aCulture10aHealth Services Accessibility10aHumans10aleprosy10aNiger1 aJaffré Y1 aMoumouni A00a[Importance of socio-cultural data for accessibility of health care and observance of treatment in leprosy. Example of the Zarma region in Niger]. uhttp://www.pathexo.fr/documents/articles-bull/BullSocPatholExot-1994-87-4-283-288.pdf a283-80 v87 aJAFFRE19943 a

From an epidemiological point of view leprosy remains a problem of public health. Various factors influence the accessibility to health care and the observance of treatment. The study carried out in Niger shows that beyond the stigmatism associated with the disease, the most important factors concern the difference between scientific and popular etiology and semiology. In the face of such problems it is necessary, from a theoretical point of view, to make anthropological enquiries based on the theme of the different representations of this pathology, and from a practical point of view, to examine the possibility of the participation of former patients in public health teams.
