@article{9871, keywords = {Adult, Female, Humans, Leprosy, Tuberculoid, Male, Neuritis, Spinal Nerves, Sural Nerve}, author = {Guo Y P and He Y and Wang J M}, title = {[Leprous peripheral neuropathy: clinical observation of 11 cases and ultrastructural study of nerves in 2 cases].}, abstract = {

Two cases of tubercular form of leprosy associated with peripheral neuropathy and having biopsy of sural nerve performed, were reported. Pathologically, there was diffuse and massive infiltration of lymphocytes in the endoneurium and perineurium. The pathogenic organisms were found in the Schwann cells and endoneurium. The clinical features of leprous neuropathy were studied in 11 cases and the clinical diagnosis, pathological features, pathogenesis and treatment of this disease were discussed.

}, year = {1989}, journal = {Zhonghua nei ke za zhi}, volume = {28}, pages = {545-7, 573}, month = {1989 Sep}, issn = {0578-1426}, language = {chi}, }