@article{97580, keywords = {Infectious Diseases, Dermatology}, author = {Ianhez M and Cerqueira SR and Gomes CM and Talhari CC and Criado PR and Castro CC and Ramos PM and Miot HA}, title = {Impact of COVID-19 on leprosy reactions and of leprosy treatments on COVID-19 severity}, year = {2022}, journal = {Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology}, volume = {0}, pages = {1-2}, publisher = {Scientific Scholar}, issn = {0378-6323}, url = {https://ijdvl.com/view-pdf/?&article=8fefd52e792d71191e2706c5b82ca9470DRdDItaEPV00A==}, doi = {10.25259/ijdvl_1235_2021}, language = {Eng}, }