@article{97578, keywords = {Infectious Diseases, Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health}, author = {Vyas HR and Mistry D and Shah SR and Shah BJ}, title = {Presentation of Hansen's disease as Lucio phenomenon in an Indian male}, abstract = {

Lucio phenomenon is a reactional state described in patients with Lucio leprosy and in a few cases of lepromatous leprosy; it is rarely seen outside Mexico and Central America. We report a case of 35-year old labourer who presented with clinical features classical of Lucio phenomenon without any pre-existing cutaneous nodules or infiltrative lesions of either Lucio or lepromatous leprosy. This case report demonstrates the need to consider Lucio phenomenon in patients presenting with clinical features of medium vessel vasculitis even in areas not endemic for Lucio leprosy.

}, year = {2022}, journal = {Tropical Doctor}, pages = {004947552211336}, publisher = {SAGE Publications}, issn = {0049-4755, 1758-1133}, doi = {10.1177/00494755221133613}, language = {eng}, }