@article{97048, author = {Germano G and Braga A and de Camargo R and Ballalai P and Bezerra O and Manta F and Belone A and Soares C and Das P and Moraes M and Latini A and de Souza V}, title = {Association of CD209 (DC-SIGN) rs735240 SNV with paucibacillary leprosy in the Brazilian population and its functional effects.}, abstract = {

BACKGROUND: Leprosy, caused by Mycobacterium leprae, is a public health problem in Brazil that affects peripheral nerves, resulting in physical disabilities. During host-pathogen interactions, the immune response determines leprosy outcomes from a localised (paucibacillary) form to a disseminated (multibacillary) form. The recognition of M. leprae involves the DC-SIGN receptor, which is present on the dendritic cells (DCs) and participates in immune activation.

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the association of polymorphisms in the promoter region of the gene encoding DC-SIGN (CD209) and the clinical form of leprosy, and to investigate its functional effects.

METHODS: The study population included 406 leprosy patients from an endemic area in Brazil [310 multibacillary (MB); 96 paucibacillary (PB)]. A functional evaluation based on the effects of the single nucleotide variant (SNV) associated with PB leprosy on the specific immune response was also performed.

RESULTS: The GA genotype and the presence of the A allele of rs735240 (-939G>A) were associated with PB leprosy [OR: 2.09 (1.18-3.69) and 1.84 (1.07-3.14), respectively]. Carriers of the A allele showed reduced expression of CD209 and TGF-β1 in leprosy lesions in comparison with individuals with GG genotype, in addition to a higher response to the Mitsuda test.

CONCLUSION: These data suggest that rs735240 influences the immune response against M. leprae and clinical presentation of leprosy.

}, year = {2022}, journal = {Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz}, volume = {117}, pages = {e220014}, month = {01/2022}, issn = {1678-8060}, url = {https://www.scielo.br/j/mioc/a/CYfcGKTTyLxLmcJ9SXsVM6g/?lang=en}, doi = {10.1590/0074-02760220014}, language = {eng}, }