@inbook{94863, author = {Fraga L and Otaviano ADS and Riani RL and Zandim P and Rodrigues CV and Souza RDP and De Souza MLM and Cabrera GB and Leite PM and Marçal PHF and de Oliveira L and Gama R and Gomides TAR and Magueta ÉB and Grossi MA and Fairley J}, title = {APLICAÇÃO DE GENOGRAMA EM FAMÍLIAS COM CASOS DE HANSENÍASE NO LESTE DE MINAS GERAIS PARA AUXÍLIO NA CARACTERIZAÇÃO CLÍNICA-SÓCIODEMOGRÁFICA}, abstract = {Leprosy is an important public health problem in Brazil, the second country with the highest rate of detection of new cases. In 2011, the Ministry of Health recommended that all contacts of new cases be examined; however, the indicators showed that this action is far below what is necessary to obtain any impact in reducing transmission sources. To better understand the distribution of leprosy in family groups, the construction of the genogram used as a tool for the family's graphic representation was adopted as a strategy. In it are represented the different members, the relationship pattern, and their main morbidities. This study aimed to analyze clinical-socio-demographic data on the family of a leprosy patient to construct a genogram. The data generated from the genogram will assist in monitoring family members, especially those who have clinical suspicion, to make an early diagnosis of leprosy, in addition to favoring the interruption of the disease transmission chain. The study was carried out in the municipality of Inhapim, close to GV, located in the East of Minas Gerais, Brazil. It involved a total of 20 individuals, one being a patient with lepromatous leprosy, and the other members of the same family, totaling 04 intra-household and 15 extra-household contacts. The genogram presented four generations (I, II, III, and IV) that contemplated the index case's parents, the index case with their 11 brothers, 8 children, nephews, and grandchildren. The data generated by the genogram will help in the monitoring of family members, especially those with clinical suspicion, to make an early diagnosis favoring the interruption of the leprosy transmission chain.}, year = {2020}, journal = {Condições Teórico-Práticas das Ciências da Saúde no Brasil 3}, chapter = {2}, pages = {9-19}, publisher = {Atena Editora}, isbn = {9786557066393}, url = {https://www.finersistemas.com/atenaeditora/index.php/admin/api/artigoPDF/44561}, doi = {10.22533/at.ed.3932003122}, language = {por}, }