@article{94825, author = {Modesto Tolentino Binhardi F and Nardi SMT and Dos Santos Patine F and Pedro HDSP and Montanha J and de Santi M and Ule Belotti N and Paschoal VDA}, title = {Diagnosis of the leprosy laboratory care network in Regional Health Department XV, São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil.}, abstract = {

OBJECTIVE: To present the situational diagnosis of the leprosy laboratory reference network in the region of São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil.

METHODS: This was an evaluation study with a descriptive design. The data were collected by means of an online form filled in by those in charge of the leprosy program in 2018.

RESULTS: All 102 municipalities that make up the region provided the requested data, 82.4% (84/102) requested slit-skin smear microscopy and of these 68 received training. Of the total, 11.7% sent slit-skin smears to other laboratories outside the reference network. Only 57.8% (59/102) requested a biopsy, of these 47 had a doctor responsible for taking the biopsy sample and 31 did not send biopsy samples for analysis in the reference network. Lack of an adequate room, few trained professionals, absence of material for transportation and absence of printed test requisitions were described as aspects that hinder leprosy case diagnosis in the region.

CONCLUSION: The laboratory network is fragile and needs to be restructured.

}, year = {2020}, journal = {Epidemiologia e servicos de saude : revista do Sistema Unico de Saude do Brasil}, volume = {29}, pages = {e2020127}, month = {01/2020}, issn = {2237-9622}, url = {https://www.scielo.br/pdf/ress/v29n5/en_2237-9622-ress-29-05-e2020127.pdf}, doi = {10.1590/S1679-49742020000500019}, language = {por, eng}, }