@article{9253, keywords = {Animals, Bacterial Vaccines, Cell Migration Inhibition, Cercopithecidae, Hypersensitivity, Delayed, Lepromin, Macaca mulatta, Mycobacterium, Vaccination}, author = {Singh N B and Srivastava A and Gupta H P and Kumar A and Srivastava S}, title = {Induction of lepromin positivity in monkeys by a candidate antileprosy vaccine: Mycobacterium habana.}, year = {1991}, journal = {International journal of leprosy and other mycobacterial diseases : official organ of the International Leprosy Association}, volume = {59}, pages = {317-20}, month = {1991 Jun}, issn = {0148-916X}, url = {http://ila.ilsl.br/pdfs/v59n2a13.pdf}, language = {eng}, }