@article{8461, keywords = {Biopsy, Fine-Needle, Diagnosis, Differential, Histiocytes, Humans, Leprostatic Agents, leprosy, Mycobacterium leprae, Skin}, author = {Sehgal VN and Srivastava G and Singh N}, title = {Histoid leprosy: histopathological connotations' relevance in contemporary context.}, abstract = {

A reappraisal of histoid leprosy in the contemporary postglobal leprosy elimination era, a fallout of the World Health Organization leprosy elimination program, is succinctly outlined. The cardinal clinical expression, differential clinical diagnosis, the cytodiagnosis, and diagnostic salient histopathological features are highlighted.

}, year = {2009}, journal = {The American Journal of dermatopathology}, volume = {31}, pages = {268-71}, month = {2009 May}, issn = {1533-0311}, doi = {10.1097/DAD.0b013e318185d1d0}, language = {eng}, }