@article{8296, keywords = {Antigen-Antibody Complex, Antigens, Bacterial, Cell Migration Inhibition, Dose-Response Relationship, Immunologic, Humans, leprosy, Leukocytes, Mononuclear, Mycobacterium leprae}, author = {Tyagi P and Girdhar B K and Katoch K and Sengupta V}, title = {Effect of circulating immune complexes of leprosy patients on leukocyte migration inhibition induced by Mycobacterium leprae antigens in healthy volunteers.}, year = {1991}, journal = {International journal of leprosy and other mycobacterial diseases : official organ of the International Leprosy Association}, volume = {59}, pages = {487-92}, month = {1991 Sep}, issn = {0148-916X}, url = {http://ila.ilsl.br/pdfs/v59n3a15.pdf}, language = {eng}, }