@article{642, keywords = {Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis, Animals, Bacterial Proteins, DNA, Bacterial, Emigration and Immigration, Genes, Bacterial, genotype, Humans, India, leprosy, Mycobacterium leprae, Population Dynamics, Sequence Analysis, DNA, Sigma Factor, Skin, Tandem Repeat Sequences}, author = {Lavania M and Lal R and Joseph G and Darlong J and Abraham S and Nanda N K and Jadhav R S}, title = {Genotypic analysis of Mycobacterium leprae strains from different regions of India on the basis of rpoT.}, abstract = {

Mycobacterium leprae strains from Indian leprosy patients were analyzed using the six base tandem repeat, GACATC, in rpoT gene as genetic marker. DNA was extracted from slit-skin smears and nasal swabs of new untreated as well as treated leprosy patients living in different regions of India. PCR amplification of rpoT gene and sequencing of amplicons showed the presence of two genotype of M. leprae in this study, 73.4% having three copies (ancient Indian type) and 26.6% contain 4 copies (considered to be Japanese and Korean). These genotypes along with other short tandem repeats may help in studying the historical spread of disease and the strains of M. leprae disseminated by various human races that migrated to India from other places of Asia and European countries during our history.

}, year = {2009}, journal = {Indian journal of leprosy}, volume = {81}, pages = {119-24}, month = {2009 Jul-Sep}, issn = {0254-9395}, url = {http://www.ijl.org.in/July-Sept%202009_PDF%20Files/2_Abst%20(119-124).pdf}, language = {eng}, }