@inbook{33782, author = {Ferrari CKB}, title = {Oxidative stress and antioxidant supplementation on immunity in Hansen’s disease (leprosy)}, abstract = {

Hanseniasis comprises one of the main causes of physical disabilities due to its potential to strike neural lesions, foot deformities, amputations, and mutilations. Since innate response is important in hanseniasis, this work reviewed and updated the role of reactive oxygen/nitrogen species in different clinical forms of hanseniasis, as well as their role in different phagocyte free radicals’ generator systems (NADPH-oxidase, mitochondrial pathways, myeloperoxidase, extracellular traps, iNOS). Since hanseniasis can induce antioxidant depletion, possible benefits of antioxidant nutritional supplementation are also discussed.

}, year = {2019}, journal = {Oxidative stress in Microbial diseases }, note = {


}, language = {eng}, }