@article{32743, keywords = {leprosy, Epidemiology, Risk Factors, Disabled Persons, Disability}, author = {Silva Rezende da Silva J and Proença Palmeira I and Sá AMM and Vidal Nogueira LM and Rodrigues Ferreira AM}, title = {[Clinical variables associated to the degree of physical disability in leprosy].}, abstract = {

Peripheral nerve damage gives rise to physical disabilities due to leprosy, leading to social stigma and suffering. The purpose of this work was to analyze the association between clinical variables and degrees of physical disability in new cases of leprosy. Materials and Methods: A cross-cutting analytical study was conducted at the Leprosy Reference Unit in Pará State, Brazil. Data were retrieved from 323 medical records of patients diagnosed with leprosy between 2005 and 2014. Prevalence Ratio (PR) calculation was used to verify the strength of association between variables. Results: The percentage of degree 1 and 2 physical disabilities was added up to 28.1% and clinical variables associated to its rise were: being a multibacillary type (PR=7.2), having a sputum-smear positive (PR=2.0), presenting reactional episodes (PR=2.4) and having 4 or more affected nerves (PR=17.) Discussion: The predominance of the contagious and potentially incapacitating clinical form increases the risk of reactions and neural compromise, which leads to disability. Conclusions: More effective actions are required to strengthen the leprosy program in order to improve early diagnosis, reduce disability and potentiate the operating capacity of primary care.

}, year = {2019}, journal = {Revista Cuidarte}, volume = {10}, pages = {e618}, url = {http://scholar.google.nl/scholar_url?url=https://revistacuidarte.udes.edu.co/index.php/cuidarte/article/download/618/1058&hl=nl&sa=X&d=13249431677781380904&scisig=AAGBfm00xGeF8neiE9Cc7MpaLVWNYRsPRA&nossl=1&oi=scholaralrt&hist=732gnZIAAAAJ:7757451093182572}, doi = {10.15649/cuidarte.v10i1.618}, language = {eng, por}, }