@article{31993, keywords = {16S rRNA gene, Case-control, Geographical distribution, Indonesia, leprosy, Leprosy patients, Transmission}, author = {Amelia AR and Amiruddin R and Arsin AA and Bahar B and Hatta M}, title = {The Determinants of the Geographical Distribution and Transmission of 16S rRNA of M.leprae in Endemic Areas, Indonesia.}, abstract = {

The prevalence of leprosy disease remains a worldwide public health problem including in Indonesia. There are five main countries as the foremost category of leprosy cases that include Brazil, India, Indonesia, Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The research method used in this study was the observational study using a case-control research design. The total samples were 81 individuals that consisted of 27 leprosy patients (the case group) and 54 non-leprosy patients (the control group). Analysis of 16S rRNA gene expression was conducted using the PCR method to detect the risk of leprosy.

Distribution of leprosy disease at the endemic areas was caused by dwelling density and unhealthful environment, and moreover the distance among houses was only around 10 m as the causal factors of M.leprae transmission.

}, year = {2018}, journal = {Indian journal of public health research & development}, volume = {9}, pages = {429-432}, issn = {0976-0245}, doi = {10.5958/0976-5506.2018.00592.2}, language = {eng}, }