@article{31363, author = {Enwereji E}, title = {Assessing psychological rehabilitation of leprosy patients discharged home in Abia and Ebonyi states of Nigeria}, abstract = {

Aim: Study aimed to examine the extent to which discharged leprosy patients were psychologically rehabilitated in communities. This study intends to reduce rejection, distress and others, which discharged leprosy patients experience in communities due to recurrent psychological damage. Method: Study used all the 33 leprosy patients who were discharged home after being treated from the two leprosy settlements in Abia and Ebonyi States of Nigeria. The list of the discharged leprosy patients studied with their addresses was collected from these settlements. Result: There was no difference in the results recorded in both states. Sex, age and marriage affected psychological rehabilitation. Males with higher mean depression score 7.7±1.8 were less psychologically rehabilitated than females with lower mean depression scores 7.2±2.0 (t=22.9 p=0.00000). Among the patients studied, those aged 40-49 years, with the least mean depression score 6.2±3.1 were more psychologically rehabilitated than others (t=22.9, p=0.00000). Married patients had the least mean depression score 5.8±1.5 and were better psychologically rehabilitated than others. Loneliness, depression and isolation were noted as the main complaints of the patients especially those with leaking ulcers. Conclusion: To minimize loneliness, rejection, depression and others, increased care and support for discharged patients should be encouraged.

}, year = {2011}, journal = {European Journal of General Medicine}, volume = {8}, url = {http://www.ejgm.co.uk/Assessing-Psychological-Rehabilitation-of-Leprosy-Patients-Discharged-Home-in-Abia,82710,0,2.html}, doi = {10.29333/ejgm/82710}, }