@article{30559, author = {Moura ADA and Albuquerque ERO and Chaves ES and Adriano Rodrigues de Souza and Lima GG and Chaves CS}, title = {[Profile of leprosy patients at a reference center in a Brazilian state]}, abstract = {

Objective: to describe the profile of leprosy patients in a Dermatology Referral Center. Methods: this is a descriptive research with 469 medical records in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Thestudy was approved by Ethics Committee (nº68 / 2011). Results: leprosy was most incident among males than in females; the Borderline clinical form predominated; the predominant age ranged from 37 to 53 years; patients without primary education predominated; 63.8% had an income between zero and two minimum wages; most were retired; as regards to the degree of physical disability, 66.7% had Degree 0, 21.5% Degree 1, and 11.8% Degree 2; and as for the final physical disability, 62.7% had Degree 0; 9.8% Degree 1 and 4.3% Degree 2. Conclusions: it is expected the development of actions for the training of health professionals seeking an early diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of cases, as well as enlighten the public to prevent the onset of disabilities.



}, year = {2016}, journal = {Revista enfermagem Uerj}, volume = {24}, url = {http://www.e-publicacoes.uerj.br/index.php/enfermagemuerj/article/view/9625}, language = {por}, }