@article{30520, author = {Bolz M and Ernst JD}, title = {Fishing for Answers in Human Mycobacterial Infections.}, abstract = {

Two recent studies (Cambier et al., 2017; Madigan et al., 2017) reveal in vivo functions for specific phenolic glycolipids (PGLs) in the mycobacteria that cause tuberculosis or leprosy. M. tuberculosis (and M. marinum) PGL promotes bacterial spread to growth-permissive macrophages, while M. leprae PGL-1 induces macrophages to cause nerve demyelination characteristic of human leprosy.

}, year = {2017}, journal = {Immunity}, volume = {47}, pages = {395-397}, issn = {1097-4180}, doi = {10.1016/j.immuni.2017.09.005}, language = {eng}, }