@article{28098, author = {Kirmayer L and Brass G}, title = {Addressing global health disparities among Indigenous peoples.}, abstract = {

In countries around the world, Indigenous peoples face great social disadvantages and poor health compared with the general population.1,2 In The Lancet, Ian Anderson and colleagues3 have documented signifi cant disparities among 28 Indigenous populations from 23 countries compared with benchmark populations for several variables, including life expectancy at birth, maternal and infant mortality, and frequency of low birthweight and high birthweight infants. They also showed diff erences for Indigenous peoples in measures related to nutrition (eg, child malnutrition, childhood obesity, and adult obesity), and in key social indicators, including educational attainment and economic status. Although their study did not include measures of mental health, burden of chronic disease, or disability, evidence exists from regional studies of Indigenous populations2,4 of major disparities in these areas as well.

}, year = {2016}, journal = {Lancet}, volume = {388}, pages = {105-6}, issn = {1474-547X}, url = {http://dl.umsu.ac.ir/bitstream/Hannan/120751/1/2016%20LANCET%20Volume%20388%20Issue%2010040%20July%20(10).pdf}, doi = {10.1016/S0140-6736(16)30194-5}, language = {eng}, }