@inbook{26927, keywords = {Tropical Medicine, Tropical Climate, Poverty, Humans, Communicable Diseases, Communicable Disease Control}, author = {Hotez P and Ottesen E and Fenwick A and Molyneux DH}, title = {The neglected tropical diseases: the ancient afflictions of stigma and poverty and the prospects for their control and elimination.}, year = {2006}, journal = {Advances in experimental medicine and biology}, volume = {582}, chapter = {3}, pages = {23-33 p. }, issn = {0065-2598}, url = {http://download.springer.com/static/pdf/484/chp%253A10.1007%252F0-387-33026-7_3.pdf?originUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flink.springer.com%2Fchapter%2F10.1007%2F0-387-33026-7_3&token2=exp=1448463220~acl=%2Fstatic%2Fpdf%2F484%2Fchp%25253A10.1007%25252F0-387-33026-7_3.pd}, doi = {10.1007/0-387-33026-7_3}, language = {eng}, }