@misc{26577, keywords = {World Health Organization, Negelected Tropical Diseases, ESPEN, Africa}, title = {Framework for the establishment of the expanded special project for elimination of neglected tropical diseases.}, abstract = {

Taking into account the full advantage of effective donated medicines, the goal of ESPEN is to contribute to an accelerated reduction in the burden of disease of the 5 PC-NTDs by providing technical support to endemic countries in their efforts to control and eliminate targeted NTDs, including morbidity management and prevention of disabilities dues to PC-NTDs, and thereby contributing to poverty alleviation, productivity and improved quality of life of affected people in the African Region. The ESPEN will have a life span of five years from 2016 to 2020. The first year will be a transition period for the establishment of ESPEN.

}, year = {2015}, pages = {24 p.}, publisher = {WHO Regional Office for Africa}, address = {Africa}, url = {http://who.insomnation.com/sites/default/files/pdf/framework_espen_v24aug2015_ntc.pdf}, language = {eng}, }