@article{25742, keywords = {Telemedicine, leprosy, Health Education, Early Diagnosis and Treatment}, author = {Nelson C and Kovaric C and Morssink C}, title = {Tele-leprology: A literature review of applications of telemedicine and tele-education to leprosy}, abstract = {
Global efforts to eliminate leprosy have brought about a steep decline in prevalence; however, new cases are continually detected. Without early diagnosis and appropriate management, these individuals are at risk of disability, disfigurement, and social stigma. Telemedicine and tele-education are increasingly utilised strategies to maintain access to expert healthcare for leprosy patients scattered in low-accessibility areas. However, an overview of tele-leprology, the application of these strategies specifically to leprosy, is currently unavailable. This review provides such an overview and discusses future directions for research and implementation.
}, year = {2014}, journal = {Leprosy review}, volume = {85}, pages = {250-261}, url = {https://leprosyreview.org/article/85/4/25-0261}, language = {eng}, }