@article{24413, keywords = {Tuberculosis, leprosy, pneumothorax, Coinfection}, author = {Waghray P and Tummuru VR and Rao KA N V and Reddy VV}, title = {Concomitant active pulmonary tuberculosis and lepromatous leprosy with type- II lepra reaction in same patient}, abstract = {Leprosy and tuberculosis are two common diseases in India. Tuberculosis is more common in Mahabubnagar dist, Andhrapradesh. The concomitant occurrence of both tuberculosis and leprosy in a single individual are not an uncommon clinical condition but is being reported infrequently in literature. We report a rare case of active pulmonary tuberculosis with active leprosy in a type 2 diabetic patient}, year = {2013}, journal = {Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences}, volume = {2}, pages = {6880-6885}, url = {http://jemds.com/data_pdf/Pradyut%20Waghray.pdf}, language = {eng}, }