@misc{24196, keywords = {leprosy, Mailinglist}, title = {Leprosy Mailing List - LML}, abstract = {

Leprosy Mailing List (LML) is a free moderated email list that allows all persons interested in leprosy to share ideas, information, experiences, questions. The list is run by Dr Pieter Schreuder, Maastricht, The Netherlands with support from Dr Sunil Deepak, Bologna, Italy, Dr Salvatore Noto, Genoa, Italy, and Dr Ben Naafs, Netherlands.

To join Leprosy Mailing List (LML) send an email to editorlml(at)gmail.com.

}, year = {2019}, publisher = {Associazione Italiana Amici di Raoul Follereau}, url = {http://leprosymailinglist.blogspot.nl/}, language = {eng}, }