@article{24042, keywords = {Spraying, Reconstituted, Lipid, leprosy, Diagnostic, Autacoids}, author = {Prabhakar M C and Santhi Krupa D and Manasa N}, title = {Comparative evaluation of lipid profiles of nose and blood in leprosy patients using thin layer chromatography}, abstract = {Leprosy has long latent, induction period which is often difficult to diagnose in the early stages. Our present study is aimed to compare lipid profiles of nasal flushings and plasma samples of MB Patients using Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). Nasal flushings collected by jalaneti technique and blood samples collected by double syringe method was processed to extract the lipid contents. The concentrate was reconstituted by adding 0.4 ml of chloroform and 0.2 ml of methanol on vortex mixer. TLC was run on a readymade silica gel plate in a solvent system of chloroform: methanol: water (65:25:4). The plates were dried and the spots were marked after spraying with the detector reagents and the number of spots were noted. In our present study we had compared the nose and plasma lipid profiles of MB patients (n=36). Some MB patients showed more lipid spots in nostrils and less number of lipid spots in blood. Some MB patients showed 4–8 lipid spots in blood and nearly equal number of lipid spots in the nostrils. The patients having more nasal involvement had observed to produce more number of lipid spots in TLC. Determination of lipid Profiles based on TLC can be used as simple diagnostic tool to distinguish between PB and MB leprosy patients in early cases. Moreover this is a cost effective, less time consuming, reproducible and reliable method.}, year = {2013}, journal = {International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry}, volume = {2}, pages = {307-309}, issn = {2277 - 4688}, url = {http://www.ijapbc.com/files/06-2151.pdf}, language = {eng}, }