@book{23501, keywords = {leprosy, Sasakawa Health Prize}, author = {World Health Organization and SEARO }, title = {Sasakawa Health Prize : Stories from South-East Asia}, abstract = {The Alma-Ata Conference on Primary Health Care in 1978 mobilized a "primary health care (PHC) movement that undertook to tackle the "politically, socially and economically unacceptable health inequalities In all countries. The Declaration of Alma-Ata was clear about the values to be strengthened - social justice, equity and the right to better health for all. Most countries of the South-East Asia Region undertook a variety of initiatives to translate these values into tangible reforms, and many achieved commendable success. One long-term Impact has been that, today, health equity enjoys Increased prominence and acceptance In the discourse of political leaders and ministries of health. This book is an attempt to capture some of the PHC-related success stories In the South-East Asia Region, the benchmark for the choice being that all of these efforts earned global recognition by being awarded the prestigious Sasakawa Health Prize of the World Health Organization. Apart from being interesting case studies they hold many valuable lessons for health development today, to "put people at the centre of health care. }, year = {2012}, pages = {210}, publisher = {World Health Organization}, address = {Geneva}, isbn = {978-92-9022-411-2}, url = {}, note = {Chapter about leprosy: International Leprosy Union (India): “Life is beautiful”: 2006 (India), p. 171}, language = {eng}, }