@misc{22059, keywords = {leprosy, Lepra}, author = {Lepra }, title = {Lepra News}, year = {2020}, publisher = {Lepra }, address = {Colchester}, url = {https://mcusercontent.com/807c3628c6f141cdebd632a58/files/50a8290d-9d93-49d7-b3b7-46f12eebad46/ln_june_2020_FINAL_SMALL.pdf?utm_source=Master+list&utm_campaign=c0da6b7061-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_07_03_10_20&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_5cfedbc134-c0da6b7061-43}, note = {LEPRA News is a free information newsletter sent out to our supporters three times a year.It gives details of how and where your money is being used and reports on what others have done in the community to raise money by holding or taking part in local and national events.}, language = {eng}, }