@article{21676, keywords = {Aged, Erythema Nodosum, Humans, Leprostatic Agents, Leprosy, lepromatous, Male, Severity of Illness Index, Substance Withdrawal Syndrome, Thalidomide}, author = {Mahajan VK and Chauhan PS and Sharma NL and Sharma AL and Mehta KS}, title = {Severe vasculonecrotic erythema nodosum leprosum following thalidomide withdrawal without tapering doses: do we have something unusual?}, year = {2011}, journal = {The Brazilian journal of infectious diseases : an official publication of the Brazilian Society of Infectious Diseases}, volume = {15}, pages = {90-1}, month = {2011 Jan-Feb}, issn = {1678-4391}, url = {http://www.scielo.br/pdf/bjid/v15n1/v15n1a18.pdf}, language = {eng}, }