@book{20273, keywords = {Disability, Participation, Rehabilitation, Scales, Stigma}, author = {van Brakel WH}, title = {Participation scale}, abstract = {

A scale to measure (social) participation for use in rehabilitation, stigma reduction and social integration programmes.

}, year = {0}, pages = {2 p.}, publisher = {s.n.}, address = {S.l.}, url = {http://www.leprosy-information.org/keytopic/participation-scale}, note = {

The Participation Scale has been translated in the following languages: Amharic, Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia, Bangla, Bengali, Bugies, Dutch, Hausa, Hebrew, Hindi, Jordanian Arabic, Kishahili, Maithili, Nepali, Portuguese, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Urdu, Vietnamese and Yoruba.

}, language = {eng, hin}, }