@article{18014, keywords = {Adolescent, Adult, Humans, Male, Nervous System Diseases, Scalp Dermatoses, Syphilis, Cutaneous}, author = {Sekkat A and Sedrati O and Derdabi D}, title = {[Cutaneomucous tertiary syphilis].}, abstract = {

On the basis of two new cases of cutaneous mucosal tertiary syphilis and a personal series of 30 cases observed at the University Hospital of Rabat and Casablanca from 1963 to 1980, we reviewed the clinical presentations of this disease. Late stage syphilis has not disappeared and appears to be increasing over the last decade. Lesions of the nervous system are increasingly reported in atypical often unrecognized forms. Cutaneous mucosal tertiary syphilis is very rare and little known and can take on the form of skin lesions suggesting tuberculosis, deep mycosis, sarcoidosis, leprosy or leishmaniasis. Based on our experience, we recall the variety of clinical presentations including superficial nodules and deep gommas leading to atrophic and rarely hypertrophic scars. The diagnosis relies essentially on the serology results which are always positive at a significant level. The pathology examination adds no essential information. Rapid response to treatment is one of the important criteria of the diagnosis of syphilis.

}, year = {1994}, journal = {Annales de dermatologie et de venereologie}, volume = {121}, pages = {146-51}, month = {1994}, issn = {0151-9638}, language = {fre}, }