@article{17640, keywords = {Europe, History, Medieval, History, Modern 1601-, leprosy, Socioeconomic Factors}, author = {TISSEUIL J}, title = {[Was the regression of leprosy also a function of the economic development in the XIV century? (author's transl)].}, abstract = {

During century of expansion, the bread was regularly more costly and the labour cheapness for surpopulation. During the XIVth century, the weather was too rainy and more cold, the corn harvest was too much deficient, the mortality increased; ground no fertile was deserted: dearth and famine consecutive. The rats followed peasantry and giving the pest, from which depopulation increased. The wages growed to twice as much while the bread was reduced. Life come better and the leprosy was coming to reduce.

}, year = {1975}, journal = {Bulletin de la Societe de pathologie exotique et de ses filiales}, volume = {68}, pages = {352-5}, month = {1975 Jul-Aug}, language = {fre}, }