@article{17142, keywords = {Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Anterior Chamber, Child, Child, Preschool, Cornea, Eye, Eye diseases, Eyelid Diseases, Female, Humans, Infant, leprosy, Male, Middle Aged, Visual Acuity}, author = {Chovet M and Panouse A and Negrel A D and Ducam M}, title = {[Ocular lesions in lepromatous leprosy (author's transl)].}, abstract = {

Ocular lesions observed in III cases of lepromatous or borderline leprosy are described. Tables are included which indicate the visual acuity, corneal sensitivity, and lesions noted in the appendages. Particular attention is paid to lesions in the pars plana, which include true posterior cyclitis having the appearance of "ants eggs" or "pearls" deposits on the retina, associated with vascular lesions and peripheral hyalitis. The absence of associated mucular edema is strongly emphasized. The etiopathogenicity of lesions of this type is probably directly related to leprous erythema nodosum. Detailed studies should be conducted on the chronological stages of these affections and their subsequent progression.

}, year = {1980}, journal = {Journal francais d'ophtalmologie}, volume = {3}, pages = {473-82}, month = {1980}, issn = {0181-5512}, language = {fre}, }