@article{16352, keywords = {Amyloidosis, Bronchial Diseases, Humans, leprosy, Male, Middle Aged, Ossification, Heterotopic, Thyroid Gland, Tracheal Diseases}, author = {Furuta M and Ozaki M and Kitaichi M and Obara A and Asamoto H and Itoh T and Funamoto Y and Yamamoto Y and HARADA N}, title = {[Tracheobronchopathia chondro-osteoplastica in a leprosy patient].}, year = {1982}, journal = {Nihon Rai Gakkai zasshi}, volume = {51}, pages = {187-93}, month = {1982 Oct-Dec}, issn = {0386-3980}, doi = {10.5025/hansen1977.51.187}, language = {jpn}, }