@article{15411, keywords = {Adolescent, Adult, Electromyography, Humans, leprosy, Male, Nerve Regeneration, Peripheral Nervous System Diseases, Pyrimidines}, author = {Sébille A and Saint-André P and Hugelin A}, title = {[Acceleration by isaxonine of muscle reinnervation. Electrophysiological demonstration in leprotic neuropathy (author's transl)].}, abstract = {

On a model of compressive human neuropathy--leprous neuropathy occuring below an osteoligamentary canal following a process of sclerosis--a double-blind survey of isaxonine versus a placebo was undertaken after matching of patients to obtain similar pairs. After four months of treatment with isaxonine, the electrophysiological tests (EMG of the anterior tibialis and of the abductor digiti minimi muscle) showed a very significant improvement in the graphs of patients receiving the active agent, as compared to a lack of improvement, even an aggravation for those patients receiving the placebo. It may thus be concluded that muscular reinnervation has occurred, either by sprouting of the remaining healthy fibers or by regeneration of the damaged axons, or by both phenomena simultaneously.

}, year = {1982}, journal = {La Nouvelle presse medicale}, volume = {11}, pages = {1278-80}, month = {1982 Apr 08}, issn = {0301-1518}, language = {fre}, }