@article{13350, keywords = {Adult, Erythema Multiforme, Humans, leprosy, Male, Rifampin, Tuberculosis, Pulmonary}, author = {Nigam P and Dayal S G and Goyal B M}, title = {Erythema multiforme bullosum due to rifampicin.}, abstract = {

A case of Erythema Multiforme Bullosum in patient of lepromatous leprosy with pulmonary tuberculosis due to Rifampicin is described. It is stressed that ethambutol may act as a trigger factor to the toxic effects of Rifampicin.

}, year = {1979}, journal = {Leprosy in India}, volume = {51}, pages = {249-51}, month = {1979 Apr}, issn = {0024-1024}, language = {eng}, }