@article{25812, keywords = {Usersatisfaction, Primary Health Care, leprosy, Evaluation, Control, Brazil}, author = {Lanza FM and Vieira NF and Oliveira M and Lana F}, title = {Evaluation of the Primary Care in leprosy control: proposal of an instrument for users.}, abstract = {

Developing an instrument to evaluate the performance of primary health care in the leprosy control actions, from the perspective of users and do the face and content validation.

This is a methodological study carried out in four stages: development of instrument, face and content validation, pre-test, and analysis of test-retest reliability.

The initial instrument submitted to the judgment of 15 experts was composed of 157 items. The face and content validation and pre-test of instrument were essential for the exclusion of items and adjustment of instrument to evaluate the object under study. In the analysis of test-retest reliability, the instrument proved to be reliable.

The instrument is considered adequate, but further studies are needed to test the psychometric properties.

}, year = {2014}, journal = {Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P}, volume = {48}, pages = {1054-61}, issn = {0080-6234}, url = {http://www.scielo.br/pdf/reeusp/v48n6/0080-6234-reeusp-48-06-1054.pdf}, doi = {10.1590/S0080-623420140000700013}, note = {

Text in English: http://www.scielo.br/pdf/reeusp/v48n6/0080-6234-reeusp-48-06-1054.pdf

Text in Portuguese: http://www.scielo.br/pdf/reeusp/v48n6/pt_0080-6234-reeusp-48-06-1054.pdf

}, language = {eng, por}, }